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Growing Up Strong

Hi, my name is Quinci. I am 9 years old and I have been going to CrossFit with my parents for almost four years. It is so cool to see my parents train so hard and work so hard and be so happy. As a kid I look up to the CrossFitters because seeing them get better makes me want to do it more. Mentally it makes me want to be like them and physically I look up to them because they are taller than me. I have been inspired to stay healthy and fit too. It’s fun to make up little workouts for me and my younger sister to do and we are always doing something active at home like riding our bikes, jumping on the trampoline, playing with our dog, and doing lots of sports. Some of my favorite things are the special workouts like the Open and Murph or if someone is moving, we all get together and celebrate with a potluck or barbecue. Everyone’s family is there and the kids all get to hang out. CrossFit is a special place because we get to spend time together as a family and as a community and make new friends and encourage each other. I see people training hard and it’s work, but everyone at the gym always has a lot of fun too. So when you see us kids swinging on the rings and playing with the wall balls, remember that we are excited to be there with you too.

By, Quinci Wood

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