Member Spotlight
You know her, you love her... this month's Spotlight goes to Blake! Since day one her smile and try-anything attitude has brightened the...

Member Spotlight
July is getting toasty, so for this month's Member Spotlight we are featuring one of our . "Noon Crew" hotties, Paige! Paige has been...

Member Spotlight
Chris is a sneaky sort of strong, sometimes so sneaky she surprises herself! We love that Chris is breaking the stereotype of elementary...

Memory and Honor
One of the most powerful experiences in CrossFit in my mind is our participation in Hero WODs. CrossFit is a sport that on a normal day...

Member Spotlight
Holly is a one woman wonder. Not only is she an awesome trainer, she is an incredible mom to two rockin’ boys. She is an uplifting and...

Couples that CrossFit
CrossFit WODs and marriage share many traits. Both are intense, constantly varied and help us become more functional people. In both...

The Power of Failure
Humbling is defined as having a feeling of insignificance or inferiority. Failure is defined as lack of success. At the recent Hypoxia...